A Filmmaker’s Guide to Using Social Media

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Check out these valuable tips for building your audience, making connections, and more!

Unless you’re one of those people that lives off of the grid and avoids the internet (and if that’s the case, you probably wouldn’t be reading this blog), social media is probably an ever-present aspect of your life, and it can be a particularly effective tool for filmmakers when it comes to networking, making connections, landing gigs, or just getting your work seen by more eyes. It certainly opens up more possibilities and transcends local limits, so it’s worth taking advantage of in your creative career.

Matt Workman (owner of Cinematography Database) has teamed with the creator/tech gear channel KitSplit for a video entitled 5 Social Media Laws for Filmmakers. “Laws” sounds a bit concrete, but these are very valuable tips for navigating the social media world as a filmmaker, building your audience, and getting your work out there in a genuine and beneficial way.  

Check it out below: